Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I just wanted to send my gratitude to everyone who came out on Saturday to celebrate with me and help me get closer to my goal!!!

I was able to raise $1245 on Saturday night alone AND combined with the most generous online contributions, I have raised a total of $3435!! Which leaves me only $424 short for my surgery date next week.

Words cannot even begin to describe how honored and touched I am to have the support of my family/friends/community. While I appreciate the financial support ( and without it I would not be able to get surgery)..it goes beyond the dolla dolla bills.

This decision was one that took me years to actualize. Both because of my own complex process around gender and also my inability to financially afford it and my struggle in asking others for help. I look around and feel so grateful for all that I have in my life but this piece has always been missing or rather, has been ever so present (aka my boobs). And it took a lot to ask folks to help me with this when there are people who need food/water/shelter. I want to and plan to dedicate my life and my work to helping those less fortunate but I struggled with my conscience in asking my community to help me make this dream of mine a reality. I asked and the community answered with unbounding support for my needs with $/Love/emotional support/tips/advice/herbal remedies, etc...

I cannot thank you all enough. Just knowing you all have my back and that you get why this is a big step and how important it is to me is priceless and more than I could ever ask for.

Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. Asking for help is always extremely difficult, because often people will make you feel weak for asking or they will lord their help over you. However, the right people will support you with no questions asked, as in this case. I'm so happy for you and was happy to help. You rock!
